Candidate Endorsements
Please note our Bylaws regarding voting on endorsements:
The organization may endorse candidates or issues by a 60% vote of the members in good standing present at a general meeting. Voting members are new members who joined IWO at least 3 months prior to the endorsement meeting and renewing members who paid this year’s dues at least one month prior to the meeting.
Gubernatorial Primary Election: 10/14/2023
The Independent Women’s Organization’s endorsement for the upcoming election on October 14th’s primary will be issued soon.
The membership is hosting its members only endorsement event Saturday, August 19th.

Municipal Run Off Election: 4/29/2023
The Independent Women’s Organization issued endorsement for the upcoming runoff on April 29th!

Municipal Election: 3/25/2023
The Independent Women’s Organization issued endorsements for the upcoming elections on March 25th!

Primary Elections: 2/18/2023
The Independent Women’s Organization issued endorsements for the upcoming elections on February 18th, 2023.

Primary Elections: 11/8/2022
The Independent Women’s Organization issued several key endorsements for the upcoming open primary elections on November 8, 2022.

2022 Fall Candidate Forums and Endorsement Meeting
Missed the IWO Candidate Forums? Check them out here.